Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Job of Organizing

Because the internet has become such an interactive experience in this Web 2.0 world, all users have the capability to organize and share information how they see fit, which is absolutely spectacular! Or is it? It probably depends on the kind of information for which you are seeking. The organizational system of tagging might be more reliable in the realm of more professional and educational online resources because one would assume that educated professionals are those organizing the information, but even then, the way in which information should be organized varies from person to person. Then, one must think about children and younger students organizing this information for the whole world as well. Yikes! Enter, today’s librarian.
The librarian of today, again, looks very different from the one of yester-generation because now there is a responsibility of helping patrons, young and seasoned alike, to know how this vast world of online information might be best organized so to benefit all users world-wide. It is a spectacular thing for all online users to have organizing capabilities if they have the understanding and know-how to do so appropriately. For example, my Diigo tags can only be helpful to others if they are used appropriately so it is important that I make sure I am knowledgeable about the tags I choose. On the other hand, people will always have different ideas about the organization and description of content so occasionally, the way I sort information might not necessarily help everyone. I would say, though, for the most part, if tags are used to describe content in a suitable manner, and this appropriateness is learned by other users so they can do the same, everyone should be able to benefit by this system.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it awesome to be organized in this crazy, busy chaos we live in. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. What a blessing she will be to you and your husband!
